
Dr Lyons respects a woman’s right to choose the method of her delivery.  Whether you choose a natural vaginal birth or an elective caesarean section this decision will be discussed and supported.

It is important to recognise the signs of labour so  you will know when you are experiencing the “real thing.” If this is your first baby, you will most likely experience lightening (the descent of the baby’s head into your pelvis) sooner than women who have already had other children. Typically, the signs of labour could include 1 or more of the following: uterine contractions (period-like pain), tightening of your abdomen and lower back ache.  About two thirds of women experience these tightenings before their waters break (membranes rupture).  About one third will first notice fluid leaking. Delivery suite staff at the hospital where you are booked are available 24 hours to assist you if you are uncertain of whether or not you are in labour.

You may also be interested in taking childbirth preparation classes, which teach coping methods for labour and delivery, and helps guide new parents in the many decisions they will make before and during the birth process. One of the things you may be most concerned with, is the amount of pain you may experience during labour. Childbirth is different for all women, and no one can predict how much pain you will have. During the labour process, your midwife or Dr Lyons will ask you if you need pain relief, and will help you decide what option is the best for you. Your options may include warm baths, massage, aromatherapy, TENS machine, injections of pain relieving drugs, nitrous oxide gas (laughing gas) an epidural or spinal anaesthesia (injection which blocks pain in the lower part of your body).

Any questions or concerns you have about the birth or pregnancy can be answered by Dr Lyons and his team at your next appointments or feel free to contact us

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