
Your pregnancy is an exciting and amazing journey and you can have the utmost confidence in exceptional antenatal care.

By convention, your due date is calculated from the first day of your last period (not the date of conception).

Calculate your estimated due date.

Key milestones during your pregnancy:

Fetal viability (the time after which your baby could survive if it was delivered prematurely) is generally considered to be ~24 weeks gestation.

Babies born before 37 weeks gestation are considered “premature” although babies born much earlier can survive without significant complications.

Your due date is 4o weeks gestation although “term” is anywhere between 37 weeks and 42 weeks gestation. Only ~5% of babies are born on their due date!!

Babies born after 42 weeks gestation are considered “post-dates

Your first antenatal visit is usually around 10 weeks gestation. Antenatal visits are scheduled in every 4 weeks up to 28 weeks and then every 2 weeks up until 36weeks after which visits will be weekly until your baby is born. At each visit, Dr Lyons will see you together with Ronnie, his midwife, to check your blood pressure, baby’s position, growth and heart rate. An ultrasound at some visits may also be performed.


Antenatal Screening Tests

Throughout your pregnancy there will be routine tests available to you which will include:

Blood and urine screening tests at 8-12 weeks

Nuchal translucency ultrasound scan (optional) at 11-13 weeks

Morphology ultrasound scan (to assess baby’s organs and limbs) at 18-20 weeks

Glucose tolerance test (for diabetes), full blood count, antibody screen at 26-28 weeks

A vaginal swab for the Group B streptococcus bacteria (for vaginal deliveries) at 34-36 weeks


It is recommended that you maintain a healthy diet throughout your pregnancy and include lots of  fresh fruit and vegetables. You should always make sure all fresh food is washed thoroughly before eating. Some foods to avoid include soft cheeses, sushi, pre-cooked and raw seafood, processed meats, e.g. ham and salami.

Taking supplements such as a multivitamin with folate is also highly recommended as this can reduce the risk of spina bifida in the first trimester. Iron tablets may also be required to reduce or treat anaemia.

Alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided during pregnancy.

Read patient information

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